5 Unforgettable Beach Proposals Idea
Every women's dream is to have a romantic yet memorable wedding proposal from their soulmate. Be it simple or luxury, as long as it is memorable enough to make it a lifetime conversations towards anyone around them. What better way to propose than to spend a romantic day with your toes and the sound of waves crashing on the shore. Check out 5 amazing tips to planning your special day for your special one:-
1. Seashell Hunting

Hunting for seashells is something in common when you step foot on the sands and beaches. Take a stroll down the beach together with your loved ones collecting pretty exotic shells. Have your engagement ring in the shell with you and quickly place it on the ground near you while her attention is diverted. Next shell pick, tadaa~ surprise! When they open the shell, take it from them and get down on one knee. Seashells, and pretty rocks are everywhere on our beach, choose the one that you like!
2. Beneath the Waves

Not a pro-scuba diver? Worry not! You can always opt for a fun dive or diving course with your loved one to tick off your bucket list! Liaise with your instructor and tell them your plan! Since you will be underwater, it's probably not a good idea to bring an actual engagement ring along unless you are really confident enough that you won't lose it underwater. Meanwhile, bring a waterproof whiteboard to write your proposal on it. Don't forget your Go-pro too! It's gonna be a lifetime memory!
Check out our diving packages here
3. Romantic Sunset Dinner

While we love a warm sunny day on the beach, is there truly anything better than a breezy summer night with a beautiful sunset? We offer sunset dinner packages on the beach, complete with candles and even music. Book a sunset dinner and when the mood is right, get on one knee and pop the question of the lifetime!
We have honeymoon packages here
4. Buried Treasure

If you want to make the occasion truly memorable, why not send your beloved on a treasure hunt, complete with a personalized treasure map? You can purchase a small treasure chest to bury the ring, and a note if you so desire. This one requires the help of a trusted friend or relative as you will need someone to bury the treasure chest and watch over it until she arrives.
5. Proposal with a View

For all of our beach-loving hopeless romantics… We highly recommend a romantic set-up beach proposal. Line up a specific spot on the beach with photos, flower petals, balloons, music, bottles of champagne, a picnic, etc…whatever your partner will love. Take your partner for a walk on the beach and slowly lead them to this spot. This romantic proposal idea is bound to make their heart flutter!
Proposal done? Do your solemnization here !